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How to create complex password

For example: " Self Education is my favourite channel". With this sentence we can create this password: Se4CZmF!tEc1.

Firstly, we can take first letter form words or syllables and, if we need, replace it with numbers.

Begin with the name of our channel "Self Education": contract these words and write "S (its the capital and the first letter of the word), then the word "Education" we can write as "e4C", because the letter "E" is the first letter, but we're going to make it lowercase letter. "edu" we can contract as a number 4 because d is 4th letter in the alphabet . The ending "cation" we can just write as the capital letter "C".

 The auxiliary verb "is" we contract as the uppercase letter "Z" bacause it "is" is sounds like "z". 

"my" we contract as the lowercase

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