Good password gives you an opportunity not to be hacked. There are some things that you'd better NOT have in your password like:
1. Names of your relatives (mother, brother etc.)
2. Phone numbers
3. Dictiomary Words
4. Keyboard Patterns
5. Daily used words
These things make your password easy to guess if hacker knows your personality.
Usually complex passwords contain:
1. Upper and Lowercase characters
2. Numbers
3. Symbols
4. Decent length
With the mix of these your password is almost impossible to guess.
letter "m".
The word "Favourite" we turn into "F!tE" ("F" is the first letter and the ending "ite" we can write as "!tE")
The word "channel" we can write as "c1", because the letter "c" is the first one and the letter "L" we can replace with "!"
In the end, our password looks like this - Se4CZmF!tEc1.
How to remember
To remember the password you'd better have a special little note book where you can write everything important down or you can find your favourite sentence which is hard for you to forget. It can be a song line or a moto.
Video source - Link. There are more methods which you can use. Here are the links: Link 1, Link 2.