Memory card is light and compact, and their main function is to expand the storage space of portable devices, including, digital cameras, mobile phones, and other multimedia players, etc., to relieve the storage pressure of the device itself. Memory cards play a huge role in everyone's work and life, but many users respond that if memory cards are used for a certain time, there will be a reminder of memory card damage. For example, when trying to open it in Windows File Explorer, it cannot open and prompts users to need to format the disk before using it.

No matter whether you choose to format it or not, the data in the memory card disappeared. In general, when the memory card is damaged, it is not recommended to format it when lost files are of great importance. The rest part of this article will focus on corrupted memory card data recovery, helping you get back lost files safely and quickly.

🌀Step 1 First download M3 Data Recovery software and install it on your Windows or Mac. 

🌀Step 2 Once your download is complete after connecting your Pen Drive or Memory Card to your computer.
  🌀Step 3 Now run the program and click the Data Recovery module.

  🌀Step 4 Choose your pen drive or memory card and then click Next=> to search your lost data.

🌀Step 5 M3 Data Recovery will analyze every sector on the selected volume and then find the lost files.

  🌀Step 6 When the scan finishes, you will be able to preview found files. Then select files you want to recover and save them. 

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