Step by Step on how to create your Google Admob Account
Step 1..Click
Step 2... Sign up with a valid gmail acct
Step3: choose your country, choose your time zone , choose your preferred currency for receiving payment
Step 4: mark all field yes in the next page
now click get started and add app will be asked if your app has been uploaded on playstore.. Click NO and it will be linked up when your App has been published on playstore
Step6: Enter app information (name of the app) (give it any name of your choice that you will not forget) and click on Android or Ios depending on the one you want us to make for you
Step7:. Click on *create ad unit*
You will find three(5) ad units just create *(banner, interstitial and reward)*
Step 8..when done creating ads units use those tiny copy icons and copy them and send to us to get started...
Note naming of each banner code should be in this order( banner1and interstitial 1 and rewarded 1) for easy identification
Step 9: after creating 1 banner ad unit and 1 interstitial and 1 rewarded copy out the codes. save the codes on your note pad or memo or forward it straight to get your App
Open on the options by left hand side
Step 10. scroll to payment and fill in your current address. (please make Sure your address is very correct)
Search on Google for the postal code of your area
Interstitial 1 : ca-app-pub-7829211803899139/3063088017
Rewarded 1 : ca-app-pub-7829211803899139/3246457651
This is how your code will be arranged after you might have finished your Registration the above code will be used to build your app.
Forward them to me