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🔰 Windows 10 just made it impossible to access retired Control Panel pages 🔰 


✔️Windows Control Panel has been one of the most useful and iconic features on Windows 10, but Windows 10 is now set to drop the iconic Control Panel by ditching its features in bits and pieces. ✔️The Control Panel has been an essential part of Windows 10 and it’s not being killed off completely, but another evidence suggests that Control Panel days might be numbered. ✔️Earlier this year, references to ‘Hide_System_Control_Panel’ were spotted in the preview builds and Microsoft officially confirmed that the Windows 10 October 2020 Update has removed the System page in the Control Panel. Share & Support us..❤️ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ➽❌ @TechMafiaa ❌➽

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