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 Trick to get Usa number for free 

(whatsapp,telegram Download Groove ip Go to groovd ip click get started choose you gmail (email) automatically and put password and then click signup after that is show by virefication like 1+1 or 2+2 put the answer and click validate . After that then get put a area code for number then put 973 click show phone number . Before choose number . Go to whatsapp and choose usa country and try the number if work. I number work choose it in app . After that go to whatsapp put number and ok if first the code not sended . Click call me now . Wait a little minute . Code sent to your gmail . If not sended yet then open whatsapp and click send message by sms. Go and check the gmai account inbox . You get groove ip voicemail click on it and download the voicemail and listen to the code and put it in whatsapp and success .

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