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I will only explain this video call method for Google hangout, the method is practically the same across all platforms so let’s get down to business of the day. To make this call you will need a Google hangout account, once you have a Google mail (Gmail) address, it’s always in this format fakevidoecall@gmail.com , you need a software to help you with video call, I will recommend ManyCam because that is what am going to use for the sake of this write up.

 First thing to do is launch your ManyCam software or app, you should get the screen shot below.

2.Click on the + button circled below and select media files from the pop up options.

  3. Select the video file you will like to play via your video call and it will be loaded to your ManyCam screen, for the sake of this tutorial, I will be using a model’s video , her name is instagram handle is make up with fateema. Now our video call is ready so next thing is log on to your Google hangout account and do the follow settings.

4. Click on the video call button on the hangout home page when you’re logged in, N:B this video call can only work on laptop or desktop as I have not tried it on phablet or palm top, I tried it on my android phone it didn’t work.

5. A new screen will pop up showing a box asking you to input a email address to invite someone to the video call, close the small dialog box and click on the settings icon.

A new dialog box will be appear on your screen, click on the video option and choose ManyCam virtual webcam. And close the tab.

Now that’s all, so anytime you want to make this call, load whichever video you want to use in to ManyCam, open your hangout and dial anyone, once the person you are calling pick up the call, he or she will appear on your screen, but on the other side the video you uploaded in your ManyCam will appear on the screen but it will remain static, all you have to do head on to your ManyCam app and click on play so the video can start playing and remember to stop the video at the appropriate time incase you have a lengthy video and you don’t intend play it all. Simple as that.


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